





Our food marries
convenience with
a commitment to
old-fashioned quality.

Our food marries convenience with a commitment to old-fashioned quality.

Our food marries convenience with a commitment to old-fashioned quality.

Made for 21st
Century living

Using fresh, adventurous flavours
to appeal to a modern palate,
we aim to satisfy the customer
demand for quick, easy-to-prepare
meals that always taste terrific.

Made for 21st
Century living

Made for 21st Century living

Using fresh, adventurous flavours to appeal to a modern palate, we aim to satisfy the customer demand for quick, easy-to-prepare meals that always taste terrific.

Quality you
can trust

Quality you can trust

Quality you can trust

Great-tasting food relies on the
best ingredients. We source local,
premium quality ingredients in
a supply chain that has been tried
and tested over decades.

DMC has full end-to-end operational
control, and an AA+ rating for quality
food production standards, giving
our customers full confidence
in the products they buy from us.

Great-tasting food relies on the best ingredients. We source local, premium quality ingredients in a supply chain that has been tried and tested over decades.

DMC has full end-to-end operational control, and an AA+ rating for quality food production standards, giving our customers full confidence in the products they buy from us.

A healthy

Our customers want food that’s fast,
not fast-food. Food can and should
be delicious AND nutritious.

We understand the enormous benefits
of a healthy diet and cut salt, sugar
and fat content wherever we can,
making sure the balance of nutrients
matches the balance of flavours.

A healthy

A healthy attitude

Our customers want food that’s fast, not fast-food. Food can and should be delicious AND nutritious.

We understand the enormous benefits of a healthy diet and cut salt, sugar and fat content wherever we can, making sure the balance of nutrients matches the balance of flavours.